Kate Isaac

Kate Isaac

Kate is a legal assistant at Priddle Law Group. She is based in Kamloops with her amazing husband and 3 wonderful children and has worked at Priddle Law Group since 2017. She is also currently a student at TRU and is completing her undergraduate degree in psychology before working toward her law degree.

Growing up, Kate experienced firsthand the profound impact of trauma and the complexities of neurodiversity. These experiences have deeply shaped her perspective and fueled her passion for helping others.

Through her journey, she has come to understand the importance of empathy, advocacy and support in fostering resilience, healing and empowering individuals to thrive. It is this understanding that drives her commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of others, a pursuit which she finds fulfillment in by working in the field of law.

Kate specializes in capturing the details of our clients’ lives and all the contributing factors of their dilemmas, which helps her to compose a comprehensive narrative of the issues they are experiencing in a way that is easier for the reader to connect with.

Kate loves to see the bright side of every situation and works with compassion and humor to brighten people’s day. She volunteers as a Girl Guides “guider” and loves spending free time with the girls, acting as a mentor and safe adult.